Office Gossip Queen Deems People Working From Home Unproductive

Office Gossip Queen Deems People Working From Home Unproductive

Atlanta, GA — There’s been a shift in the workplace recently, lots of companies are allowing employees to work from home.  But office gossip queen Emily Cooper thinks people working from home could be unproductive.  “I just think you have to be at work to be working,” said Emily.

Kyle Price has been a co-worker of Emily for about ten months, “She’s never really at her desk, she kinda floats around most of the day.”  Emily considers herself a career woman so she’s constantly on the move.  She’s your typical extrovert and isn’t shy about sparking up a conversation, especially if it’s not work related.  “Even if you have your earbuds in or are on the phone with a customer, she’ll walk right up and just start talking to you,” said Kyle.

“I see her sticking her tongue out all God Damn day, I know she’s playing with those Snapchat filters.” 

When Emily does have a little bit of downtime she likes to stay in touch with her sorority sisters from Delta Zeta, so there’s usually a lot of catching up to do.  Placing personal calls at the office has never been a problem for Emily.  She uses a headset which allows her to be hands free so she can text her boyfriend and still be fully engaged on social medial platforms like Facebook and Instagram. “I see her sticking her tongue out all God Damn day, I know she’s playing with those Snapchat filters,” said Kyle.  Emily is not only great at multi-tasking, but she also has excellent endurance.  “I saw her on the phone one time for like five hours straight—it was pretty impressive,” Kyle recalls.

Studies have shown that employees working from home are able to focus better and really hone in on their work.  “I tried it and didn’t feel like I accomplished that much.  If I’m at work it at least feels like I’m doing something,” said Emily.

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Mike Jaworski

I like comic books and funny things. Twitter: @JaworskiMike

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